Tuesday, May 24, 2011

30 Days of Erotic Truth #8: Straight Jackin' Folks

Task: What's your definition of rape? Date rape?

My definition?

It's simple. If you force yourself on an individual, male or female, and it results in unwanted, nonconsensual sexual intercourse or an unwanted, nonconsensual sexual act, or you ATTEMPT to force yourself on an individual, that to me is rape. Even if things start out consensual, once that person says NO, if you continue you are committing rape. There is no middle ground. There is no in between.

Date rape to me follows the same premise. The only difference is the perpetrator has added chemicals to prevent the person from saying no. Consent is only implied in life threatening health emergencies. It is not implied in sexual situations. If you incapacitate someone in any way, be it with drugs, alcohol, or violence, then have sex with them, you have committed rape.

In any rape situation, be it violent rape or date rape, the perp should have his/her genitals removed with a hot, dull butter knife and no anesthesia. But that's just my opinion.


Mahoganydymond™ said...

"In any rape situation, be it violent rape or date rape, the perp should have his/her genitals removed with a hot, dull butter knife and no anesthesia. But that's just my opinion.".. Say that again... I am with you there...

Thee_Kween said...

Agreed and Agreed again.