Saturday, June 4, 2011

30 Days of Erotic Truth #17: Keeping Secrets

Task: You walk into your bedroom and find your lover deep ina sexual act with someone of the same sex, what do you do?

In a word? FAINT

Then after coming to, I'd commence to cussing like theENTIRE USMC. I'd want to know how long it's been going on, and why he nevertold me. Then I'd probably pick up something and beat his ass with it, just forall the sheer hell he's put me through the last 14 years.

Then I'd leave for good.

Maybe if he'd been as open about his sexuality as I've beenabout mine we could work something out. But just on the strength of him giving meholy hell and the moody blues about my sexuality for so long, and he's been onthe DL for however long? Hell fuckin' naw, dude. I gots to go…


Mahoganydymond™ said...

I feel the same way...

Icnonlybme said...

I'm pretty sure I would be traumatized if you told me that happened...

Thee_Kween said...


Sundae said...

I wouldn't be able to recover. Not in this relationship, that is. Everything would change, and I would honestly have zero respect for him after discovering that.