Monday, June 6, 2011

30 Days of Erotic Truth #20: Feelin' Right Randy

Task: Tell a story of your most embarrassing sexual experience..

Wow... I have a couple of these I can tell, lol. I'll go with the most hilarious, at least to me...

This was the summer that my girls and I were fuckin' our way around the US Navy's Old Guard barracks at the Anacostia Naval Station. At this particular juncture I was messing around with a guy by the name of Vincent. He was a handsome sailor originally from either Mississippi or Georgia. A caramel brotha, with a Southern drawl that would melt butter. We had been dating for a few weeks, and this particular night was just like any other. He has sent a cab to pick me up from the projects and bring me to the base. This was pre-9/11. You know that shit won't fly now! Anyway, his room mate was on duty that night so it was just him and I. After eating dinner in his room, we got in bed and started making out. I remember we had the radio on. My favorite song at the time was 'Let's Chill' by Guy and it had just came on, so he was singing it to me. I think we may have had a little something to drink too, because I was feeling right randy as he was singing. I was straddling him and we were kissing in between verses. I moved to change positions so I could kiss his neck and ear, and lost my balance. I don't know how but I ended up standing on my head against the wall at the head of his bunk. We both cracked up laughing! It was a good thing I still had my underwear on too. Tiddies in my face would not have been as funny. Vincent helped me down and we laughed a little more, then we fucked til he had to get up for duty the next morning. I fell asleep in his bunk just as he was leaving. I woke up a little later to his room mate pulling the cover off me.

But that's another blog entirely....


Icnonlybme said...

Write that shit! Or at least BBM it!
Wow, the word verification is fistwa...

Thee_Kween said...

The fuck was that? A teaser? I don't like you right now...

Dee, I always laugh at some of the words I get. lol

Sundae said...

'Fistwa', huh? Something with 'fist' in it WOULD pop up for YOU... LOL!!

I'ma write the second half later! This was about somethng enbarrassing for ME, remember?