Monday, October 4, 2010

Night Music

I had the most beautiful sleep last night!

I went to bed with my iPod on and it made me remember why I always loved going to bed with the radio on. Listening to music while you sleep does some wonderful things to my mind!

See, you have to understand, I come from a musical family. My mom sang as a teenager and my dad played about 4 instruments. My oldest sister sings, my brother and I played trumpet all through school and my youngest brother played drums. Only one of us who couldn’t sing or play an instrument was my baldhead baby sister. I can actually sing a little too, lol. We got some dancing fools in our family too. So music is a big part of life for me. Music is probably one of my bestest friends.
So anyway, I put on my favorite smooth grooves playlist and let the music carry me off to lala-land. I love the images slow songs plant in my head while I’m sleeping. Not really dreams I think. More like visual manifestations of emotions. People who are important in my life live through the music in my dreams. It’s kind of funny trying to sleep with ear buds in your ears, so I tend to wake up off and on, but the songs I heard during those waking moments were some of the ones I love most. Some Kem, Kenny and Chante’, Slim from 112, and Teddy P. just to name a few. I actually started listening to my iPod about 3:15 yesterday and didn’t take it off til about 5:30 this morning. That’s one helluva listening party! LOL

When I finally did turn my iPod off , I had gotten to song #69 (inappropriately appropriate enough considering the playlist I was listening to) out of a playlist of 332 songs. I woke up wanting to love on somebody very special in my life, but that’s another blog, lol. I also promised myself that I would go to sleep listening to my music more often. It soothes my mind and soul and helps me get into a better state of rest when I do. I can’t wait to go back to that beautiful place again!


Thee_Kween said...

I know now for REAL that you're my sister. I used to go to bed with the music on and sometimes, I'll turn to VH1Soul and just let it play while I sleep. It's the really is. I've been musical all of my life, as is mom and dad, sis, and just about every man I've ever is the rhythm to with my poetry is born...nice blog, sis.

Afrodeezha said...

Falling asleep with music in your ear IS one of the sweetest things.

Listening to gospel while you sleep soothes your spirit, so if you're going through some things, try it.