Here's a Can Opener… Free Yo' Mind, Fool!
I'ma make this short and sweet: There is NO correct formula for the perfect relationship. You work at it, and hope it works out.
Sometimes it does…
Sometimes it don't…
Just because that path works for you doesn't mean it's the right road for the next man/woman. It also doesn't mean you have free reign to laugh at/talk shit about/throw dirt on someone else's relationship that's working for THEM. If it ain't your bag, don't look in it.
We have a serious problem in this society. Too often, people look at someone's sitch and want to label it because tit aint what they're doing. People don't seem to realize that in a country that's supposed to be built on freedom, we have MORE PEOPLE who just don't seem to want to free their minds and open themselves up to even seeing that more than what they're used to just might actually be ok. What burns my britches with this is, many times it's the people who may be closest to that different sitch who have the most issue with it. ARE YOU SERIOUS?? You're so stuck in your own head space that you can't see the possibility of somebody else's?
Are you keeping you poor little mind locked in a steamer trunk or something?
Stop sitting around analyzing someone else's shit and look in your own toilet for a change. There are folks out there getting it done in the happiness department in a way that works FOR THEM! Appreciate the fact that they aint creating havoc in the universe, and if they are? The universe will deal with em. Almost everybody's favorite book admonishes us (college word!) to "Judge lest not ye be judged." Every religion on the planet has a tenet that says the same thing. Growing up we're taught it in school as the golden rule. Stop judging folks' lives! Actually consider the possibility that there is more to life, love and living that what YOU know. And above all else, if you can't be accepting or supportive? Keep it da fuck moving! Life is too short, and unfortunately you are too unreceptive to growing as a person. I'm sorry (actually I'm not). You just ain't ready…
PREACH....TEACH!! DIG DEEP IN THEY ASS!!! postiiiiiiing! :)
Wow, wow & wow again!!! U said a church sermon full. I know so many of these same people- ones who deem the only acceptable way in the universe as the way they do or have done things.
Wow... speechless...
As much as I love my people, sometimes I just want to take em by the shoulders and shake the shit out of em..
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